Community and City Developers
Fulcrum Global Investors, LLC (FGI) is a neighborhood, community, and city developer. FGI is a multifamily development company. FGI knows that the true foundation of any development project is a strong neighborhood within a strong community and that together we build strong cities.
Your top choice for creating a home within a safe, healthy, affordable, luxury community
FGI designs projects with community residence experience at the forefront. A home needs to provide independence, a sense of place, and freedom. A home needs to be close to jobs, offer residents numerous opportunities to work/elevate, live well, and play well all within the community. With the resident as the strong foundation of the community FGI can then focus of designing the building to fit into the urban context.

Creating Value for the Community:
An FGI multifamily community development project needs to be good for the community:
• Opportunities for residents to improve themselves in multiple areas
• Business opportunities for local small businesses
• Creates good jobs for local community residents
• Healthy, and safe for all within the surrounding area
• Affordable to those in the neighborhood and surrounding city
• Sustainable, and resilient
• Low transportation and other physical impacts on the surrounding area
• Neighbors need to able to interact with the project and residents on the ground plane with retail, relaxation, and other community human collisions
FGI Giving Back
FGI not only puts residence and the community first and creates good jobs in the community, but also contributes its time and money to community based charities that help the less fortunate, veterans, local artists, and other small businesses.